Current mentees
I am accepting MSc thesis (including ERASMUS) students. Interns are welcome too.
Please send an email to
Available research topics:
gill health • immunity to Neoparamoeba perurans • immunity to Spironucleus salmonicida • climate change and mucosal immunity • effects of algal and jellyfish blooms on mucosal functions • skin mucus metabolomics • molecular and cellular biology of H2S • immunity to early life stress • mucosal oxidative stress • pathogen dynamics in RAS • nasal and oral immunity of fish • circadian control of immunity
Animal models: Atlantic salmon and Atlantic cod
Marsela Alvanopoulou
Marsela is a PhD student in Aquaculture at UiT - Arctic University of Norway. Her thesis focuses on production regimes for post smolts in RAS. (Co-Supervisor, Jelena Kolarevic)
Victoria Vik
Victoria is an Aquamedicine student enrolled at UiT-The Arctic University of Norway. Her thesis explores the immune responses to Francisella noatunensis vaccine in Atlantic cod.
Ana Lourenço
Ana is a VetMed student from the University of Lisbon. Her thesis explores how the RAS environment contributes to the development and functionality of skin mucosal barrier in Atlantic salmon.
Thurka Paramanathan
Thurka is a PhD student at Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada. Her thesis focuses on Francisealla noatunensis physiology and vaccinology (Co-Supervisor, Javier Santander)
Maja Ruud Berg
Maja is an Aquamedicine student enrolled at UiT-The Arctic University of Norway. Her thesis explores gill health of Atlantic salmon in RAS.
Didrik Johnsen Olaisen
Didrik is an Aquaculture master student at UiT-The Arctic University in Norway. His thesis explores how water quality in RAS is influenced by RAS loop disinfection and biosecurity breach.
Raja Gurung
Raja is a PhD student at Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada. His thesis focuses on the interplay between Francisella noatunensis and Atlantic cod during early cellular immune responses at different thermal stress (Co-Supervisor, Javier Santander)
Trude Olaussen
Trude is an Aquamedicine student enrolled at UiT-The Arctic University of Norway. Her thesis focuses on immune responses to Francisella noatunensis vaccine in Atlantic cod.
Mona Gloria Dahl Silsand
Mona is an Aquaculture master student at NMBU in Norway. She studies the transcriptomic responses in the hepatopancreas and gills of snow crab under heat stress using RNA Sequencing.
Former mentees
Jonas Rønstad Otterlei
Jonas was an Aquamedicine master student from UiT - Arctic University of Norway. His thesis focused on the mucosal immune responses of Atlantic salmon to Spironucleus salmonicida.
Thesis: Early immune responses to Spironucleus salmonicida in the gut of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)
Thinh Nhan
MSc - Intern
Thinh was an ERASMUS intern enrolled at Autonomous University of Barcelona. During his internship, he studied the nasal responses of Atlantic cod to climate stressors.
Amin Naghizadeh
Amin was a master student from NMBU. His MSc thesis focused on the molecular responses of Atlantic salmon to water disinfectants and Yersinia ruckeri bioesecurity breach in RAS. (Co-Supervised with Vasco Mota)
Thesis: Molecular responses of Atlantic salmon to peracetic acid and ozone during Yersinia ruckeri challenge in recirculating aquaculture system
Johan Bergeton Johansen
Johan was a master thesis student in Aquamedicine at UiT - The Arctic University of Norway. His MSc thesis investigated biosecurity breach in Atlantic salmon RAS.
Thesis: Biosecurity breach in Atlantic salmon recirculating aquaculture system: Infection with Yersinia ruckeri
Christian Cordero
Christian is a master student from Ghent University, Belgium. He visited the lab as an intern. He will in return in 2024 for his master's thesis on nasal vaccination in cod.
Bedika Ghising
Bedika was a master thesis student from the Norwegian University of Life Sciences. She studied the responses of Atlantic salmon liver to hydrogen sulphide.
Thesis: Hepatic responses to chronic exposure to hydrogen sulfide in post-smolt Atlantic salmon.
Mishal Cohen
Mishal investigated the impacts of climate-related stressors on the nasal microenvironment of fish, particularly on the microbial assemblages, of Atlantic cod.
Nora Albaladejo-Riad
Visiting PhD student
Nora was a visiting PhD student from the University of Murcia, Spain. During her stay in the lab, she studied the molecular processes underpinning how the nasal leukocytes in Atlantic salmon respond to H2S. In particular, she focused on the VEGF pathway. She also did proteomics and metabolomics in skin mucus samples collected from her trial in Spain. She visited the lab twice (2021 and 2022).
Lena Hovda Aas
Lena was a master thesis student at UiT - The Arctic University of Norway, Norway. She studied the immune responses to Yersinia ruckeri of salmon parr in RAS.
Thesis: Mucosal immune responses of Atlantic salmon parr following a pathogen breach in a recirculating aquaculture system
Maia Eggen
Maia was a master thesis student enrolled at UiT - The Arctic University of Norway, Norway. She studied the application of PAA in freshwater RAS, focusing on its health and welfare consequences. (Co-supervised with V. Mota)
Thesis: Determination of peracetic acid (PAA) exposure concentration and administration methods on Atlantic salmon.
Malene Soleng
Malene was a master thesis student enrolled at UiT - The Arctic University of Norway, Norway and investigated the physiological adaptive strategies of Atlantic salmon towards peracetic acid treatment.
Thesis: Systemic and mucosal stress responses of Atlantic salmon exposed to peracetic acid
Felina Irawan
MSc - Intern
Felina was a MSc student from the Ghent University. Her intership training included cellular and molecular analyses of cells isolated from Atlantic salmon.
Pranil Nakhawa
Pranil was an ERASMUS master student enrolled at NTNU. His thesis explored the immune responses to Yersinia ruckeri in Atlantic salmon.
Thesis: Immunological and histological responses of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) smolts following a Yersinia ruckeri breach in RAS.
Salman Muhammad Malik
Salman studied the immunological consequences of early life stress in Atlantic salmon. He developed the RNAScope assay for salmon embryos to study the development of fish immune system.
Rodrigo Pinto
Rodrigo was a VetMed thesis student from the University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal. He studied the effects of early life stress on the neuro-olfactory immune responses to Yersinia ruckeri in salmon.
Thesis: Neuro-olfactory immune responses of Atlantic salmon parr to Yersinia ruckeri
Juan Bosco Ara Diaz
Bosco was a master thesis student from Wageningen University and Research, The Netherlands. He unravelled the immunological function of H2S in Atlantic salmon mucosa.
Thesis: Mucosal responses to prolonged hydrogen sulphide exposure in post smolt Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar).
Anne-Marja Jannok-Joma
Anne-Marja was an Aquamedicine master student from UiT - Arctic University of Norway. Her thesis explored the effects of climate change on the gills of salmon. (Co-supervised with E. Ytteborg)
Thesis: Impacts of climate-related temperature stress on Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) gills
Socorro Toxqui
Visiting PhD Student
Soco was a visiting PhD student from the Institute of Aquaculture Torre de la Sal (IATS, CSIC), Spain. She visited the lab as an MSCA-ITN fellow. She was involved in a project that explored the impacts of climate change on mucosal microbiome of salmon.
Giuseppe Scaduto
Giuseppe was a master thesis student from the University of Messina, Messina, Italy. He investigated the mucosal immune responses of Atlantic salmon following a simulated biosecurity breach in RAS.
Thesis: Molecular responses of Atlantic salmon to infectious pancreatic necrosis virus outbreak in a recirculating aquaculture system.
Francisco Furtado
Francisco was a VetMed thesis student from the Universidade de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal. His thesis focused on mucosal oxidative stress in AGD-infected salmon and its role during chemotherapy.
Thesis: Alterations in mucosal structures and key regulatory molecules of oxidative stress in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) induced by amoebic gill disease and oxidant-based chemotherapeutic interventions.
João Osório
João was a master thesis student enrolled at Universidade de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal. During his time in the lab, he studied the physiological changes in Atlantic salmon exposed intermittently to an oxidant.
Thesis: Mucosal and physiological responses of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) in brackish water RAS following peracetic acid-based disinfection
Nikko Alvin Cabillon
Nikko was a master thesis student from the University of Highlands and Islands, Scotland and investigated the phenotypic and immunological alterations associated with increased water velocities in Atlantic salmon.
Thesis: Plasticity of muscle growth and mucosal defenses in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) subjected to different exercise intensities*
*won the best student thesis
Christian Cordero
Christian was a master student from Ghent University, Belgium. His thesis explored the nasal immunity of Atlantic cod.
Thesis: Nasal vaccination against Francisella noatunensis in Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua)*
Received the Best Thesis award
Tabassum Ali
Tabassum was a master thesis student at NMBU. Her MSc thesis focused on biofilter disisnfection in RAS. (Co-Supervised with Vasco Mota)
Thesis: Evaluation of disinfectants in RAS water
Marc Ibañez
Marc was a master student from Bodenkultur University Vienna (BOKU). His thesis focused on proteomics and metabolomics in Atlantic salmon.
Thesis: Identification of mucosal biomarkers for stress and immunity in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) through metabolomics and proteomics
Md Inja-Mamun Haque
Haque was a master student from Ghent University, Belgium. He visited the lab as an intern.
Ilona Lorraine Nicolaysen
Ilona was a master thesis student from the University of Bergen. She studied the impacts of long-term exposure to sub-lethal levels of hydrogen sulphide in Atlantic salmon reared in RAS, particularly focusing on gut health and stress responses.
Thesis: Stress responses and gut health of post-smolt Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) exposed to chronic sub-lethal level of hydrogen sulphide in a recirculating aquaculture system.
Mina Bjerke Kleiv
Mina was an Aquamedicine master student from UiT - Arctic University of Norway. She studied the effects of prolonged elevated temperature and heatwaves on the liver of salmon. (Co-supervised with E. Ytteborg)
Thesis: The effect of climate related stressors on liver in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)
Julie Hansen Bergstedt
Visiting PhD Student
Julie was a visiting PhD student from the Technical University of Denmark. She is interested in the metabolic consequences of H2S in Atlantic salmon. She visited the lab to study gene expression analysis.
Hanna Ross Alipio
Hanna was a master thesis student enrolled at Wageningen University and Research, The Netherlands. For her MSc thesis, she elucidated the molecular basis of how hydrogen sulphide affects salmon mucosal immunity.
Thesis: Hydrogen sulphide as a regulator of mucosal immune defences in Atlantic salmon.
*Hanna's work won the best student poster at Aquaculture Europe 2022.
Danilo Carletto
Danilo was a master thesis student enrolled at the University of Messina, Messina, Italy. He studied the interplay between oxidative stress and mucosal immunity in salmon. Danilo visited the lab again in 2022 for 6 months.
Thesis: Physiological hallmarks of Atlantic salmon parr responses to an oxidant.
Sindre Haddeland
Sindre was a master thesis student from the University of Bergen, Norway and studied the dynamics of mucous cells in the gills of Atlantic salmon after peracetic acid treatment.
Thesis: Benchmarking healthy gills in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) in seawater recirculating aquaculture system after repeated peracetic acid exposure
Hiruni Kumaranatunga
Hiruni was a master thesis student at University of Nordland, Norway. She studied the molecular clocks in Atlantic cod.
Thesis: Molecular regulation of circadian clocks in fast muscle of Atlantic cod, Gadus morhua.
I had the privilege of working with the following students:
2015-2017 Mr. Dibo Liu. Ph.D. Leibniz-Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries, Germany.
2015-2017 Mr. Pongsaton Juntarut. Ph.D. Prince of Songkla University, Thailand.
2015 Ms. Trine Marie Nilsen. M.Sc. Technical University of Denmark, Denmark.